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On Jaap's site see Circle Puzzler's Manual  See latest cool fractal like pics about bandaged and unbandaged Gizmo link Attempted Gizmo unbandaging   Quasi 5 fold Crystal Image by Bob Hearn 

Gizmo Gears have exactly the same cut depth as Battle Gears and Farmland Gears but a different cut symmetry.  It is possible to color the pieces so that they appear to combine triangular  and square symmetry in three different ways.  Cosmo looks like two circles with square symmetry while Mates seems to have both triangular and square symmetry and finally Treo has two circles with triangular symmetry.  Thus by merely changing the way you color the pieces you can 'program' Gizmo to have a variety of symmetry appearances.  In some cases unless the puzzle is thoroughly mixed up it will seem to solve itself.

All the following puzzles are also available for licensing.

Gizmo Gears Puzzles Price $25.00 each plus shipping  (approx. 3" x 7")



An image by Bob Hearn of jumbled Gizmo like puzzle.  I have added the equal sided polygons showing a strange non periodic like structure.  Note how the whole pattern seems both wave like and particle like.  Very interesting.


Here I have just taken dodecagons and repeated them.  Could have used circles but then would not have had edges making alignment so easy for the experiment.  Note how it starts to have these non periodic like effects.