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Here is a link to a new Battle Gear unbandaging.Twisty Puzzle Forum Gizmo Description Twisty Puzzles.com Gizmo Gears descriptionTwistypuzzles.com about 3D twisty puzzles that jumbleOn Jaap's site see Circle Puzzler's Manual Here are some links to the TwistyPuzzles.com/forum Gizmo Gears (on page 2 of this blog are several beautiful pics by Bob Hearn) Bob Hearn image where you can clearly see Penrose kite and dart tiles and many other geometric shapes Another cool pic Here is an animation by Bob Hearn Here is an animation by Brandon Enright On page nine of this blog scroll down about 1/4 to the N=X highresstuff by Jason Smith. Click on the N=5 one and watch it eventually turn into a fascinaiting continually changing fractal. It goes all the way to N=24. All this jumbling stuff has created some excitement in the twisty puzzle community and probably much more will be done. Here are some links to Jaap Sherphuis excellent site covering some Puzzleatomic puzzles. Jaap's site has solutions for many sequential move-type puzzles and many other excellent attributes such as scripts for puzzles that mix up and solve themselves and a comprehensivelisting of puzzle patents. You can back out of any of these and explore the whole site.Puzzleatomic Stuff on Jaap's Site BattleGears FarmLand Gears Palette Series SlideRule Duels LINKS TO OTHER PUZZLING WEB SITES and vendors of puzzlesEureka-Puzzle.eu has some of the Puzzleatomic designs for sale and wholesale.Puzzle Master has several of the Puzzleatomic designs for sale as first brought out by Bits and Pieces.i.materialize an on line store where you can buy some of Carl Hoff's puzzles (3d printed by Carl)Grand Illustions Tim Rowetts web siteTwisty Puzzles Like Rubik's Cube, Etc. (A pretty cool Site)Think Fun (Also known as Binary Arts)Puzzles of Leonid Mochalov (Russian Inventor of Puzzles)Puzzle Box World .com (Many Kinds of Puzzles Boxes from Around the World)Bits And Pieces (Both Mechanical and Jigsaw Puzzles and Gifts)Edmund Scientifics (Compass All) Edmund Scientifics (Electrihedron)Puzzle books Jerry Slocums web site slocumpuzzles.com Puzzle Museums physical and virtualRobs Puzzle Page Rob Stegmann's virtual puzzle museum showing his extensive and beautiful collection.Rob Stegmann and Brett Kuehner co hosted the 2015 August IPP in Ottawa. It was great fun and Ottawa was a blast.TwistyPuzzles.com Battle Gears The Twisty Puzzles SiteLiliy Puzzle Museum (Guide to) This is the huge physical collection donated by Jerry Slocum a retired rocket engineer.Jerry started the International International Puzzle Party, a yearly event that has entertainment, puzzle sales,meetings and a puzzle exchange and often events and tours after the main party ends.Here are some of the Puzzleatomic puzzles at the museum Lilly Museum Old Dancing Gear, Lilly Museum Old D Gear2, Lilly Museum Petal Circle The Puzzle Museum --The Hordern-Dalgety Collection started in1886. This Website began in 1996 and a Public Museum is planned. Enjoy this intro to "the world's finest puzzle collection."Logic Puzzle Museum (a real museum) Puzzles on You TubePUZZLE MUSEUM - YouTube not very puzzling but illusory/artisticGrand Illustions A fabulous you tube site with many cool films of devices that seem to defy physics or your common sense.It is the creation of Tim Rowett in England. He has a catalogue and sells many of the items in it.Oskar Puzzle The you tube site of Oskar Vandeventer a prolific and ingenious inventor of puzzles. You can watch and enjoyfor hours. Oskar often includes a question with each puzzle he demos.Dr. Carl Hoff (or just Carl Hoff) The you tube site of Carl Hoff. Carl produces some amazing stuff that would makeRubik proud. He uses circles in conjunction with cubic shapes to make some very unique and challenging puzzles. Puzzle OrganizationsSlocum Puzzle Foundation A non profit started and hosted by Jerry Slocum, long time, avid collector and connoseuir of mechanical puzzles and books and book author.IPP The International Puzzle Party held in the US or Canada? every third year. Usually one is held in Japan in the 3 year sequence. The third country can be anywhere.Jaap's Puzzle Page Has solutions to many difficult sequential move puzzles also known as twisty puzzles. His site along with many others (Robs Puzzle Page )that just display puzzles could be considered non profit, (free for viewing anyway). The solutions are very well though out usually with mathematical results of the number of positions, etc.G4G is the Gathering for Gardner a get together held every two years in Atlanta Georgia. This was started by Tom Rodgers and others and the gatherings arefabulous often including famous mathematicians and scientists and many puzzle designers and collectors. Of course it is by invitation only. It is held in honor of MartinGardner, renowned puzzle author and science and math writer who died recently. He got a great many people interested in math, science and puzzles with his incisive andclear expositions of difficult detailed subjects. In his hands we are all magically transported into the worlds of logic and paradox.Also see Celebration of Mind held all over the world in October, also a product of G4G 3D printing services for designer/ store systemsShapeways is a place where you can set up your own store and they 3D print and sell your stuff. You send them the 3D ready files. They offer help and prototype services too.i.materialize is Carl Hoff's 3D print sales and service. You can sell your own designs. They print and sell for you similar to Shapeways. It is based in Arizona and now has more locations. They offer some new services for 3Der's. Stores that sell mechanical puzzles and gamesMindware sells lots of educational and construction set stuff, puzzles books and cool games as well as active play things. Very easy to deal with.Fat Brains Toys based in Nebraska will sell your item if it is store ready.Really Great Toys offering the Syclone a Puzzleatomic inspired gyro action action game.eBeanstalk.com Ditto for the Syclone. Toys and Co Ditto for the Syclone. Magic Beans Ditto for the Syclone. Arcade gamesTroy's Works web site offering original and rebuild arcade games for sale