Space Number Graphics Game. Treats any RGB graphic as a puzzle that can be solved with symmetry operations used for space numbers. The Red, Green, and Blue patterns can be individually rotated, mirrored and the Red and Green can also be permutted in 1/4 pattern increments along x and y, or 64 pixels per permute. The game randomly mixes the RGB's using these symmetry operations, then the player tries to solve with the same operations. In addition this shows how a graphic could be encoded and difficult to decode. The exchange operation (R to G, G to R, etc.) is not used to retain simplicity.Our images are not hard to solve if you look for clues in the separate RGB patterns that match the solution pattern then rotate, mirror and permute to get each R, G, and B pattern to exactly produce the solution pattern. A favorite is the tangram. Space # Graphiics Game