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Knot Robot has been re-engineered and is easier to produce and to work with.  The previous KR had over 60 parts and was very tedious to build.  This new version is much simpler with only 46 parts and a simpler assembly process.  It has the identical properties otherwise and is sturdy and well made.  Myriad tricks are possible and much fun with knot magic, and for the challenge lovers much knot theory to play with.  You can make a knot that is its own mirror image and untie it by simply running through the robot twice!  Please see the continued link above for how to do this.  It is easy to learn and you can surprise anyone with it.  Tie it to a coffee cup handle then let some try to get it off.  Even though it is extremely simple they often can not do it without cheating. 

Like Rubik's cube it forms a mathematical group.  However Rubik's Cube always retains its specific form while the amazing Knot Robot can form knots of great complexity, if you want, and you may discover some brand new math with it.  The group it is in is a subset of the knot system which is infinitely larger than any one twisty puzzles group.

Knot Robot(tm)  $14.00 plus shipping (approx. 1" x 2" with about 2 to 3 feet of twisted cord)


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